Numeracy at Meadow Heights Primary School
Numeracy is the capacity, confidence and disposition to understand and apply mathematical concepts, problem solve, collect and analyse data and to make connections within mathematics to meet the demands of all learning at school, work, home, community and civic life.
Numeracy in the new Victorian Curriculum is organised around the interaction of three content strands and four proficiency strands.
The content strands describe what is to be taught and learnt. They are:
- Number and Algebra
- Measurement and Geometry
- Statistics and Probability
The proficiency strands describe how content is explored and developed and are embedded into the content descriptions. They are:
- Understanding
- Fluency
- Problem Solving
- Reasoning
- An organised program (based on Victorian Curriculum) that integrates all strands ( with a strong focus on number. Assessment is used to inform teaching and learning
- Ongoing feedback is provided to students to clarify their learning
- Classroom programs are based on effective routines and utilising effective teaching approaches and scaffolds.
The school expects that all students will be successful Numeracy Learners.
- Teachers have high expectations of all students and strategies to support them in their numeracy learning.
- These expectations are conveyed to students and parents in a positive manner.
- Differentiated learning is planned for in daily programs to ensure maximum support is given at a student’s current point of need.
The school uses data to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of Numeracy programs
- Planning uses baseline data to establish goals for improving Numeracy outcomes.
- A range of data is used including:
- Mathematics Online Interview
- Maths PAT
- School based assessment
Teachers are part of a vibrant numeracy learning community
- The school nurtures collaboration and reflective practice
- Share planning
- Focussed observation
- Examination of student work and
- Professional dialogue around numeracy learning.
Classrooms are Stimulating & Secure Learning Environments for Numeracy learning.
- Classrooms present a relevant, rich and stimulating learning environment.
- Students are challenged and engaged in their learning and feel supported in their efforts.
- Students feel safe to take risks in their learning.
Mrs Amy Backas
Assistant Principal - Teaching & Learning