The purpose of a school is to assist families to educate and develop engaged citizens for our society , clearly some families need more assistance that others.
Community Hubs are a new way of working with our Communities'
Together we do it better.
Its not about having a building or space “to do things”... It's about in some cases turning the school around to face the community and finding out what the real needs are.
DNA is just so important we need to be asking the right questions.
School Community Hub Events and Programs
- Focussed Family Support Programs
- Staff Induction / Cultural Awareness
- ESL /New Arrivals Program/Mother Tongue Maintenance/Mother Goose Program
- Refugee Action Plan
- Communications in community languages
- Parent Forums/MEA’s/interpreters
- Family Engagement and Involvement: whole school events, parent ESL classes, Harmony Day, Working Bees, Recognise and celebrate community events, celebrate diversity
- School Nursing Service/ screening, referrals follow up
- DHS Projects : Best Start / AEDI Data Collection / Health checks
- Local Council Programs/Supporting Parents Developing Children/Hume Early Years Partnership.
- Royal Children's Hospital Students with significant Health Needs
- Community Organisations: Banksia Gardens, VICSEG, Foundation House,
- Support Agencies: Dianella Community Health, Lentara Uniting Care, MCM, Brotherhood of St Lawrence
- State Schools Relief
- Cool Calm and Connected Program
HUB EVENTS FLYER 2024 - Term 1
Come along and join in the fun!
For further information on any of our programs please contact Salwa Salem on 9305 2033