It is an expectation that all students wear our school uniform to school. SunSmart hats need to be worn by all students during Terms 1 & 4.
¨ Navy tracksuit pants
¨ Navy wincheater/jumper
¨ Navy polar fleece jacket
¨ Polo shirt – yellow/gold colour
¨ Navy shorts
¨ Navy skirts
¨ Blue checked dress
You can purchase these items from the uniform shop:
2/283 Rex Rd, Campbellfield
9768 0337
Target, Big W, Kmart etc.
Iron-on logo’s are available at the school office for $1.50
Legionnaire hats can also be purchased from the office $8.00
The Jewellery allowed as part of the uniform includes only studs, sleepers, watches and religious items.
Makeup and fingernail polish are not part of the uniform. Sandals and thongs are not suitable to wear to school.
During colder weather non school uniform jackets and coats can be worn outside but only over the top of a school windcheater.
Students are to wear school coloured items.
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